
標籤: press

OKAY.com Receives Red Herring Top 100 Asia award

29 August 2014 - OKAY.com has been recognized by the prestigious Red Herring media company as one of the leading private ventures in Asia using technology to advance its industry.   Red Herring’s Top 100 Asia list has become a mark of distinction for identifying promising new companies and entrepreneurs. Red Herring editors have been among the fir
作者: OKAY.com


2014年8月25日 - OKAY.com獲選入《紅鯡魚》「亞洲100強」2014之決賽。旨在表揚於亞洲各專業領域中勇於創新、且取得優秀科技發展的新公司。 《紅鯡魚》的編輯以不同準則來評選得獎者,包括:財務狀況、科技創新性、管理層質素、經營模式及市場渗透力。此外,評選過程中亦會審視公司的業績,並比較它與行內同業的不同及創新之處;因此《紅鯡魚》能夠從亞洲多家新興商業模式的公司中慎選出最有價值的100強。 《紅鯡魚》行政總裁及發行者Alex Vieux指,亞洲的企業發展迅速,擁有傑出領導才能和野心的企業家正漸漸冒起頭來,因此我們看到更多有創造力的公司。他續指,OKAY.com入選決賽是實至名歸。 進入決賽的企業需出席《紅鯡魚》於2014年8月25至27日假香港舉行的論壇,大會將於8月27日黃昏
作者: OKAY.com

OKAY.com featured in Oriental Daily News and The Sun as a Platform for Entrepreneurship

CEO Joshua Miller discusses how he left investment banking to pursue life as an entrepreneur, and how OKAY.com is creating a platform for real estate professionals to be entrepreneurs, not employees. “[The] entrepreneurial spirit is very much embodied in the OKAY.com brand, with agents themselves being able to effectively drive their own businesse
作者: OKAY.com

Bloomberg Interview on Micro-Apartments in Hong Kong

13 August 2014 - I was honored to be invited by esteemed Bloomberg journalist Angie Lau to discuss the recent “trend” of micro-apartments in Hong Kong that have received significant press attention. Cheung Kong has recently launched the sales of Mont Vert, a new development of micro-sized apartments, which includes studios ranging from 177-196 sqf
作者: Joshua Han Miller

OKAY.com Board Chairman invited as guest speaker alongside Anson Chan at Thomson Reuters Event

11 August 2014 - We are pleased to share photos of a Thomson Reuters 'Diversity & Inclusion Event' that took place on 1 August, Beverly L W Sunn, Board Chairman of OKAY.com, partnered with Anson Chan as guest speakers to share their personal stories, career journeys and thoughts on diversity, press freedom and the future of Hong Kong._____________
作者: OKAY.com


8月4日 - 我很高興最近有機會與福布斯數碼媒體專家及資深專欄作家Joshua Steimle碰面, Steimle先生是MWI.com的創辦人及行政總裁,MWI.com 是一家總部設在美國的領先搜索引擎優化技術及數碼媒體企業,對於與時並進、透過科技提升企業效率的公司,甚有研究。 他撰寫的一篇名為「鮮為人知的香港營商環境」文章中,涵蓋範圍廣泛,為不少計劃來港創一番事業的人士,帶來不少參考價值。Steimle先生在文章就提及到一些港人在搜索居所的過程,遇到的難題及挑戰,正揭示本港地產代理行業在二手物業市場所面對的放盤資訊,未能有效完整流通的實況。 Steimle先生指出,OKAY.com為一個革命性的房地產買賣及租賃地產代理平台,它所運作的商業模式,正正解決了二手市場放盤資訊不完全流通等的相
作者: Joshua Han Miller


2014年7月11日- OKAY.com近日委任了全球最大型獨立公關公司-愛德曼為其拓展香港及中國內地業務。  愛德曼將為OKAY.com提供企業媒體關係諮詢,以提高大眾對公司於香港及中國大陸商業策略之了解。愛德曼從其餘五家國際及本地公關機構中脫穎而出,促成是次合作。  從香港區根基出發,OKAY.com將為公司往中國大陸拓展業務的重要平台,將手提通訊科技融合物業搜尋過程,為當地中介公司改變物業交易模式,使他們能即時於客戶溝通,提供更快更準確的市場資訊,增加選擇同時提高透明度。 OKAY.com行政總裁Joshua Miller表示,"愛德曼具備了物業方面的專業知識和人才,深明我們想帶出的訊息,同時運用傳媒力量,說出OKAY.com的故事。他們是頂尖的專才,成功的往績和客戶群給了我們信心肯
作者: OKAY.com

A Conversation with CNBC's Susan Li about OKAY.com's Business Model by Joshua Miller

27 June 2014 - The following post was written by OKAY.com CEO Joshua Han Miller, who recently made an appearance on CNBC Asia's Squawk Box. I had a great time yesterday as a guest on CNBC's Squawk Box with the esteemed Susan Li.  We discussed some of the dynamics of the current property market and touched on what OKAY.com does differently in its
作者: Joshua Han Miller

OKAY.com featured in the SCMP

09 June 2014 - The SCMP today reported on OKAY.com and how our innovative business model is succeeding in a challenging Hong Kong property market.   The article describes some of the key differences in OKAY.com's platform for real estate agents, and how we're using technology to give our agents more tools to serve clients, provide higher rewards t
作者: OKAY.com

OKAY.com interviewed on Property Market on RTHK

26 May 2014 - Joshua Han Miller, CEO of OKAY.com, recently joined RTHK's Money for Nothing program to talk about OKAY.com's unique business model and his views on the current property market. "Current property price levels - where supply and demand curves meet - are just like stock markets. When there are low transaction volumes, it's not a real e
作者: OKAY.com
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