OKAY.com Receives Red Herring Top 100 Asia award

發佈日期: Aug 29 2014最後更新日期: Jun 28 2017
Red Herring Winner 201429 August 2014 - OKAY.com has been recognized by the prestigious Red Herring media company as one of the leading private ventures in Asia using technology to advance its industry.  

Red Herring’s Top 100 Asia list has become a mark of distinction for identifying promising new companies and entrepreneurs. Red Herring editors have been among the first to recognize that companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Rakuten, Salesforce.com, Xiaomi and YouTube would change the way we live and work. 

"I am thrilled to receive this award on behalf of the entire OKAY.com team." said Joshua Miller, OKAY.com CEO. "It is a real honor to join the ranks of companies such as LinkedIn, Zynga, Solazyme and other Red Herring 100 award winners that have gone on to become market leaders or create entirely new business models."

"The credit for this award goes to our entire technology team, real estate leadership, and the real estate professionals whose input has helped us get to where we are today.  It also goes to Brendan Blumer, the founder and technology entrepreneur who had the vision to create the company and technical expertise to bring that vision to fruition; to Hilary Cordell, a Hong Kong based real estate lawyer who saw the potential of the company at its inception and became a founding shareholder and investor; Kokuei Yuan, who co-founded the company with Brendan in 2005.” Joshua said.

“We recognized that there had to be a significantly better way of delivering real estate brokerage services to the market and have created a completely innovative platform to serve both professionals in the industry and their clients.  The company has gone from strength to strength and we are extremely excited about the next stage of our growth." Brendan commented.

Red Herring is a global media company which unites the world's best high technology innovators, venture investors and business decision makers. It publishes Red Herring, a leading innovation magazine, and runs major events for technology leaders around the globe.  

Each year, the most innovative companies in each of North America, Europe and Asia are selected by the Red Herring team from a pool of hundreds for three "Top 100" awards.  The nominees are evaluated on both quantitative and qualitative criteria, such as financial performance, technological innovation, quality of management, execution of strategy, and market penetration within their respective industries.

 “Choosing the companies with the strongest potential was by no means a small feat,” said Alex Vieux, publisher and CEO of Red Herring. “After rigorous contemplation and discussion, we narrowed our list down from hundreds of candidates from across Asia to the Top 100 Winners. We believe OKAY.com embodies the vision, drive and innovation that define a successful entrepreneurial venture. OKAY.com should be proud of its accomplishment, as the competition was as strong as ever.”

To learn more about the Red Herring Top 100 awards, please click here.

For press enquiries, please click here.



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作者: OKAY.com


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作者: Joshua Han Miller


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