Martina’s Top 5 Hong Kong Hikes

发布日期: Nov 11 2014最后更新日期: Jan 7 2016
Hong KongHikesAn avid explorer and outdoorsperson, Martina shares her favorite routes and tips for great day trips in Hong Kong. 

  1. Tai Long Wan 

    Take advantage of the cooler weather and make the journey from Sai Wan Road in Sai Kung to one of the most beautiful beaches with the clearest waters in Hong Kong. Have lunch at one of the restaurants at Ham Tim Beach or, bring a tent and set up camp at Tai Long Wan and spend the night. In the morning enjoy breakfast alongside some truly stunning scenery.  
  2. Lantau Island

    Begin near Nim Shue Wan in Discovery Bay and walk along the easy trail to end in Mui Wo. Optionally you might want to extend the hike and visit the Trappist Monastery. This short trip leaves plenty of time to head to Cheung Sha Beach to enjoy a South African feast at The Stoep restaurant.   
  3. Lion's Rock

    From Sha Tin Pass Road, climb upwards to Lion Rock and revel in 360⁰ panoramic views of Kowloon and New Territories from one of Hong Kong’s most recognizable natural landmarks. On especially clear days, the view can extend towards Victoria Harbour and the Hong Kong Island skyline for lucky hikers!
  4. Lamma Island 

    Starting at Yung Shue Wan, enjoy the nearby beaches, hilltop pavilion and magnificent view of the 71 foot windmill en route to historic Sok Kwu Wan Village, where it is essential to finish the day with a fresh seafood dinner. 
  5. The Peak

    For a hike closer to the urban centre, start at Pokfulam Reservoir, and finish on Lugard Road, via the lesser travelled Barker Road and Tramways Path for exceptional views of the Hong Kong skyline. Next, refuel with some healthy fare at Pure Veggie House for dinner.

    Bonus Tip: After a refreshing day outdoors, don’t forget to reward yourself with a foot massage!



2016年9月14日 - 香港居住環境狹窄,業主均希望盡用單位每一吋地方,以求在擠迫的環境中住得更舒適。不少人為了增加單位的空間感,會選擇把傳統有門封閉式廚房改建成開放式廚房。近年,更有不少新落成的私人住宅都以開放式廚房為標準間隔,使單位看起來更寬敞、更型格。但在改建之前,您是否了解香港屋宇署的防火條例?在您的單位改建開放式廚房是否合法? 香港大部分樓盤源用傳統有門廚房,全因中國人獨特的煮食方法。傳統中式佳餚注重「鑊氣」,多以猛火快炒食材以保存其「色、香、味」,而煮食過程往往產生較大油煙和氣


2016年10月6日 - 香港一向以購物天堂、摩天大樓及高昂樓價聞名,然而這個人口稠密的城市卻有百分之七十三的土地是郊野公園、山嶺及濕地!若您想遠離煩囂鬧市,周末遠足是最好的消閒活動。香港共有四條主要行山徑,包括:麥理浩徑、衛奕信徑、鳳凰徑及港島徑,全長共300公里;大部分行山徑均接近市區,乘搭公共交通工具便能到達起點,而流動電話網絡亦大多能覆蓋。 對在香港遠足毫無頭緒嗎?可參考我們以下的推介,5條景色優美的行山徑:  1. 山頂環迴步行徑, 香港島 這條親子步行徑讓您能在居高臨下的太平山山


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