
标签: property cooling


2018年1月19日 - 2017是樓市暢旺的一年,一、二手住宅物業成交金額均突破紀錄。踏入2018年,市場對樓市的預測眾說紛紜,但樓價過熱,上車困難等問題依然存在,相信房屋政策依然是政府的施政重心。 回顧政府的房屋政策,一向以需求管理手段為主調,例如接連推出多重印花稅以打擊炒賣、金管局收緊按揭成數和供款佔收入比重等。但自2009年以來,在重重樓市調控措施之下,樓價只曾短暫調整,旋即重拾升軌,更突破1997年以來的高位,奪得全球最難負擔樓市的「殊榮」。  辣招凍結二手樓市 「辣招」對樓價的調控成效不彰,但帶來的副作用卻立竿見影:二手樓市自2009年起逐年萎縮—根據土地註冊處數字顯示  ,二手住宅樓宇成交佔整體樓宇成交的百分比由2010年的高位90%,逐年下降至2017年的69%,換言之新
作者: OKAY.com

Critics doubtful of Government’s 480K housing supply target

22 December 2014 - The Government announced last week its intention to raise the 10-year housing supply target to 480,000 units, with critics suggesting that the number is not high enough yet difficult to achieve. In the coming decade, the target includes 200,000 public rental housing units, 90,000 subsidized sale flats, and 190,000 private housin
作者: OKAY.com

Norman Chan: interest rate hike will greatly impact property market

3 November 2014 - During the meeting for the Legislative Council's Panel on Financial Affairs, Hong Kong Monetary Authority Chief Executive Norman Chan commented that it is only a matter of time before interest rates will start increasing in Hong Kong as a result of the US central bank ending its huge monthly bond purchase programme. Chan warns th
作者: OKAY.com
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