
标签: press

新闻稿 - OKAY.com屋企物业代理正式宣布成为福布斯全球物业联盟香港区唯一创始成员

2021年6月10日 - 福布斯全球物业联盟于2020年12月份正式面世,旨在连系各地对高端房地产市场有兴趣的买家和卖家,并搜罗各地顶级奢华的房地产,成为一个崭新的全球房地产平台。 OKAY.com屋企希望藉由这个契机,能够将香港的房地产市场带到国际舞台,同时建立一个全球房地产投资数据分析库。作为一个全球知名的媒体品牌,福布斯每个月能够为其平台带来超过1.4亿的访客流量,而福布斯全球物业联盟则正正由福布斯与多间世界顶尖房地产品牌共同建立。作为福布斯品牌的延伸,福布斯全球物业联盟在选择会员时亦有相当严格的规定:只有在业界享负盛名,同时服务与实力都备受认可的品牌,才能获邀成为会员,以高标准确保福布斯全球物业联盟在高端房地产市场的认受性。OKAY.com屋企扎根香港超过10年,一直在寻找解决方案
作者: OKAY.com

OKAY.com’s Tommy Kwan Promotes Shek O Village on Cable TV

13 February 2020 - OKAY.com’s agent Tommy Kwan is featured on Cable TV’s Hong Kong property program “Property Outlook” (「樓盤傳真」) on 25 January 2020, where he showcased an apartment in Shek O Village, Shek O.
作者: OKAY.com

OKAY.com’s Tommy Kwan Promotes Bella Vista on Cable TV

31 December 2019 - OKAY.com’s agent Tommy Kwan is featured on Cable TV’s Hong Kong property program “Property Outlook” (「樓盤傳真」) on 14 December 2019, where he showcased an apartment in Bella Vista, Mid-levels West.
作者: Tommy Kwan

OKAY.com’s Tommy Kwan Promotes Marina South on Cable TV

12 August 2019 - OKAY.com’s agent Tommy Kwan is featured on Cable TV’s Hong Kong property program “Property Outlook” (「樓盤傳真」) on 3 August 2019, where he showcased an apartment in Marina South, Aberdeen.
作者: Tommy Kwan

OKAY.com CEO Joshua Miller Featured on Mid-levels Magazine

8 August 2019 - In an interview with Mid-levels Magazine, OKAY.com CEO Joshua Miller shared his thoughts on rental trend in Hong Kong. here are some of the highlights: Rents in Hong Kong have continued to inch upwards this year, fueled by broadly positive sentiment in the overall markets (including the financial markets).  We did see a brief abat
作者: Joshua Han Miller

OKAY.com Nina Schulte-Mattler & Liza Boltz Promote Positano, Discovery Bay on Cable TV

19 June 2019 - OKAY.com’s agents Nina Schulte-Mattler and Liza Boltz are featured on Cable TV’s Hong Kong property program “Property Outlook” (「樓盤傳真」) on 15 June 2019, where they showcased a Sole Agent apartment in Positano, Discovery Bay.
作者: Liza Boltz

OKAY.com Director Andrea Adams Ott Promotes Cherry Crest on TVB

4 April 2019 - OKAY.com’s Director (Residential Division) Andrea Ott was featured on TVB’s Hong Kong property program “Closer Look At Property” (「樓市點睇」) on 1 April 2019, where she showcased an apartment in Cherry Crest, Mid-levels West.
作者: Andrea Adams Ott

OKAY.com Hiroko Byrne & Amelia Ng Promote Redhill Peninsula on iCable

29 March 2019 - OKAY.com’s agents Hiroko Byrne and Amelia Ng were featured on iCable’s Hong Kong property program “Property Outlook” (「樓盤傳真」) on 23 March 2019, where they showcased an apartment in Redhill Peninsula, Tai Tam.
作者: Amelia Ng

OKAY.com Andrea Ott 授訪東方日報<港錢無國界>

2019年2月12日 - OKAY.com住宅物業部總監Andrea Ott 於2月10日的東網電視中詳談成為香港地產代理的成功之道。
作者: Andrea Adams Ott

小型代理行棄地舖 OKAY.com逆市擴充

2019年2月4日- 【明報專訊】過去數月樓市調整,不少大型代理行都暫停擴充或讓員工自然流失,不過,主要以網上運作的OKAY.com(中文名為屋企),去年卻逆市擴充,人手增加五成之多,今年更有計劃再增聘約六成人手,該行稱公司客群主要為高購買力人士,受到樓市影響較少。成立於2011年的OKAY.com,有別於市場上大部分的代理行,不設地舖,僅在中環、銅鑼灣及愉景灣3處設有辦公室,OKAY.com行政總裁孫漢忠(Joshua Han Miller)表示,該行目前代理人數約有120人,單是過去一年已增加了五成,目標今年內增加至約200人。上述3間辦公室中,有1間於去年新增,公司計劃於今年內再增設新的共享辦公室,目標地點為港島西及九龍區。 擬年內增聘六成人手 增設共享辦公室能夠在逆市中擴充,孫漢忠
作者: Joshua Han Miller
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