OKAY.com CEO Joshua Miller Featured on Mid-levels Magazine

发布日期: Aug 8 2019最后更新日期: Aug 8 2019

OKAY.com CEO Joshua Miller

8 August 2019 - In an interview with Mid-levels Magazine, OKAY.com CEO Joshua Miller shared his thoughts on rental trend in Hong Kong. here are some of the highlights:

Rents in Hong Kong have continued to inch upwards this year, fueled by broadly positive sentiment in the overall markets (including the financial markets).  We did see a brief abatement during the height of the extradition bill concerns driven by general uncertainty though this has largely passed.

As for the future of rental prices in the city?

Demand has been increasing slightly faster than supply (consistent with the last several years) though the launch of several new 1st hand developments (new supply) may counter this over the next 12 months.  Assuming there are no other major market events, I expect rents to therefore remain stable at current levels for the next year.


2024施政報告 :「中小企融資擔保計劃」的優化措施

行政長官今日(十月十六日)於《行政長官2024年施政報告》宣布,容許「中小企融資擔保計劃」的借款企業就現有及新造貸款申請最多12個月「還息不還本」,並將八成和九成信貸擔保產品的最長貸款擔保期分別延長至十年和八年,同時向兩種擔保產品下的新造貸款提供「部分本金還款」選項。這些措施旨在減輕借款企業的還款負擔,協助它們應對經濟轉型期的挑戰。香港按證保險有限公司會與貸款機構跟進上述新措施的執行細節,目標在今年十一月內落實各項新措施。借款企業屆時可聯絡貸款機構商討具體安排。Source: The Gove
作者: OKAY.com

OKAY.COM筍盤推介 : 舂坎角靜修里 悠閒綠空間 淺調寬廳柔和舒適

港島舂坎角一帶豪宅林立,而且四周環境幽靜舒適,向來吸引富豪名人聚居,是次介紹的靜修里一個3房單位,大宅四周綠樹環繞,讓住戶沉浸於大自然靜謐之中。單位採高樓底設計,有助增強空間感,廳房均設窗戶讓室內自然光充足。客廳盡頭設露台,外望翠綠景致,同時有助廣納室外陽光入室內。主人睡房間隔方正實用,擺放雙人睡牀後能做到三邊下牀。飯廳設有窗戶,確保亮度,擺放長方形六人木餐桌,與木地板互相映襯。 廚房除設曲尺工作枱外,還選用中島工作枱設計,提供大量位置處理食材。單位採高樓底設計,有助增強空間感。客廳部分擺放
作者: OKAY.com


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