
标签: 市场走势

Mount Nicholson House Becomes 2nd Most Expensive Home in Asia

Selling at HK$56,843 per square foot, Dynasty Court on Old Peak Road has also set a record.19 March 2018 - Fetching HK$151,785 per square foot in a tender offer, a house at No. 2 Mount Nicholson has made Hong Kong property market headlines for becoming the second most expensive home in Asia on a square foot basis. The 9,217 sq.ft Hong Kong propert
作者: OKAY.com

Hong Kong Property Market Forecast 2018

25 January 2018 - As expected, the 2017 residential housing market ended strong, with first-hand and second-hand property sales valued at HK$15.8 billion and HK$26.1 billion respectively, bringing the annual residential unit transaction amount to HK$556 billion—a 30 per cent surge compared to 2016.  Since the second half of 2017, analysts have be
作者: OKAY.com

Will the Hong Kong Property Market Crash in 2018?

12 January 2018 - Most likely not. Hong Kong’s position as a key Asian financial centre, stable market activity, economic growth, wealth, borrowing patterns and mainland Chinese influence, suggest that the city’s economy is relatively safe. However, considering that the Hong Kong economy and consumer sentiment depend on the health of global finan
作者: OKAY.com

A Review of the Hong Kong Property Market in 2017

11 January 2018 - The positive outlook of the Hong Kong property market from the second half of 2016 carried over into 2017, throughout which it experienced burgeoning growth. Hong Kong home prices rose for 20 months straight, despite government interventions to cool the housing market. First-hand residential property sales were remarkably strong
作者: OKAY.com


2017年10月6日 - 2017年年初香港樓市相對淡靜,受2016年底政府上調印花稅稅率至15%、美國加息1/4厘及農曆年淡市等因素影響,一月住宅買賣登記量為3,286宗,表現較其他月份遜色。農曆新年過後,首半年樓市表現回升,一手��場住宅交易尤其活躍。根據土地註冊處數字,2017年首半年一手住宅買賣數量由一月的664宗倍增至六月的2,320宗。在政府的多重樓市辣招下,上半年樓價不跌反升,樓價指數由2016年底的141.17點升至本年八月的將近155點,升幅多於10%。2017年住宅樓宇買賣概況( 截至2017年8 月 ) 1月2月3月4月5月6月7月8月整體物業註冊數量3,2864,0795
作者: OKAY.com

Which Tech Advancements are Changing the Property Industry?

11 September 2017 - The world today has technology more closely integrated with every aspect of the human experience, and by extension, the business cycle. The real estate industry is no exception. Thanks to technological advancement, information of all types, including pricing, availability, and alternative services are now one click away, which
作者: OKAY.com


2017年9月8日 - 香港樓價自2013年起持續攀升,政府多次推出印花稅辣招以抑壓炒風,但社會的房屋需求強勁,樓價始終未見回落。第五屆特區行政長官林鄭月娥在競選期間已多次強調房屋問題為今屆政府施政的「重中之重」,她在選舉政綱中提出三大土地及房屋政策,以置業為主導,積極處理樓價高企對港人的影響。 1. 港人首置上車盤;優化按揭保險計劃  林鄭的房策以助港人置業為首要任務,提出在居屋與私樓之間,為無力承擔私樓樓價,但收入及資產又超過公屋及居屋申請限額的夾心家庭,提供港人首置上車盤。她亦提出研究優化「按揭保險計劃」,為首次置業的香港永久居民提供更多「上車」協助。 港人首置上車盤及優化按揭保險計劃的概念對社會大眾十分吸引,亦反映林鄭有心處理夾心階層難以上車的問題。但在居屋供應嚴重不足的情況下,
作者: OKAY.com

Should the Government Offer ‘Starter Homes’ for the Younger Generation?

6 Sept 2017 - For the seventh consecutive year, Hong Kong has been ranked the world’s most expensive property market by the Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey. In view of high rents with no end in sight, former Chief Executive Leung Chun-Ying raised the stamp duty twice in three years in an effort to suppress increasing home p
作者: OKAY.com

Are Nano Flats, Subdivided Flats and Co-living Spaces the Solution to Hong Kong's Housing Crisis?

14 August 2017 - Amid seemingly ever-soaring Hong Kong property prices, there is a rising trend of developers building tiny “nano flats” spanning less than 200 square feet as more affordable housing options for desperate Hong Kong home buyers. In a similar vein, some companies are also attempting to present more economical options in the rental
作者: OKAY.com

How much will upcoming MTR developments influence district property prices?

11 Aug 2017 - The railway network in Hong Kong is said to be one of the most convenient in the world. To better serve and connect the dense population in the city, the government continually strives to expand the railway network. Many households choose to buy their homes near MTR stations for convenient access around Hong Kong which contributes t
作者: OKAY.com
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