Top 6 Friendly Pet Neighborhoods for Your Home

發佈日期: May 27 2020最後更新日期: May 27 2020
pet friendly neighbourhoods in Hong Kong
27 May 2020
The right fit
Given the current Covid-19 pandemic scenario, it’s no wonder that people in Hong Kong have turned to buying pets to help them find trusted friendship and companionship to see them through the current extended sequestration period. In fact, Hong Kong has seen a dramatic increase in pet ownership over the past 15 years. According to a 2017 report by the Veterinary Surgeons Board of Hong Kong, local pet owners skyrocketed by 72% since 2005-2006 when there were about 297,100 registered dogs and cats compared with a total of 510,600 in 2015-16, and even higher since then.
But this being Hong Kong, an important question to ponder is how fit your home or apartment is to accommodate a pet. Once your little furry friend comes home, one of the first things you may want to do is change the overall layout of your residence to provide a better place for a pet to live and thrive. In fact, there are indeed many changes you could undertake inside your home that would certainly raise the level of comfort as well as provide greater accessibility and happiness.
pet friendly Hong Kong
Take, for example, if your home has lots of stairs, this may not be the most suitable for a dog, especially smaller and older breeds. Keeping all the necessities of their life on one floor is very important for your pet’s good health and well-being.
While this might be a tall order in Hong Kong… does your building have a yard or is there a grassy area nearby where your pet can move around freely? Owning active dogs inside cramped apartments in an urban area is still possible but it requires even more effort on your part for taking them on regular walks since space inside for running around will be severely restricted.
It’s also important to be wary of dangerous items in your home that could harm your pet. These include things like Insecticides, plant fertilizers, rat poison, and traps, batteries and electrical cords. Prescription or over-the-counter medicine as well as cleaning agents, detergents, and anti-freeze products should also be safely stored away from pets. Obvious items a well like razors and other sharp objects and easily swallowed items including string, rubber bands and dental floss.
Important things to consider before buying a pet
  • It is against the law if you have an unlicensed dog over five months old.
  • You must vaccinate your dog against rabies, have a microchip inserted under your pet’s skin and get it fully licensed. All of this can be done at most vet clinics as well as the SPCA.
  • If there is any change of pet ownership, this must be reported to the (AFCD) within five days.
  • Be careful, you could be hit with a fine if your dog urinates or defecates in a public place. Also only make use of specific collection bins for your dog’s waste
  • All of Hong Kong’s country parks allows dogs, even large breeds, to run freely off the leash.
  • Make sure to keep your pet away from any beach where a lifeguard is present.

Welcome locations for pets in Hong Kong
In terms of pet-friendly neighbourhoods, there are quite a few around Hong Kong, and this may be a significant factor in helping you decide where you wish to stay.
This is still a neighbourhood that attracts dog owners. Here you’ll find a number of pet shops, dog hotels, and full-service day care centers with boarding facilities, plus a quaint little dog park as well. Classified is one of our favorite restaurants in Happy Valley where you can meet other dog owners over a cup of coffee.
property in Pokfulam - Cyberport Waterfront Park
Pokfulam is home to the Cyberport Waterfront Park, a paradise for dogs and their owners. There are certain areas where you can even let your dog go completely off-leash, a rare concession in Hong Kong.
Stanley properties - Stanley Promenade
These four prestigious bays run along the beach expanse of Island South and make ideal locations to keeppets. Despite being not too far from the city, you’ll feel a real sense of natural tranquillity that pets love. Dog-friendly locations here include Stanley Promenade and Stanley’s private dog beach with plenty of space and clean air. The marketplace and all the restaurants along the Stanley Promenade also welcome pets.
Long a mecca for expats, Outlying Islands offers lots of things your dog is sure to love. Nearby are numerous beaches, hiking trails, dog-friendly houses and restaurants. Because of its relaxed natural village lifestyle, it has become one of the most dog-friendly areas of Hong Kong.
Sai Kung caters to all rent ranges from budget-friendly walk up flats to opulent villas and mansions for the well-heeled. This area also offers country parks, beaches, pet shops and a great town centre promenade to ensure that your pet will truly enjoy living here. In fact, Sai Kung is considered perhaps the most dog-friendly neighborhoods in all of Hong Kong.
Yuen Long has a lot to offer, especially for pet owners. There are plenty of dog-friendly and affordable housing options, including apartments and village houses, plus dog training camps and boarding resorts, and beautiful country parks that will make you forget that you live in a crowded urban metropolis.


2024施政報告 :「中小企融資擔保計劃」的優化措施

行政長官今日(十月十六日)於《行政長官2024年施政報告》宣布,容許「中小企融資擔保計劃」的借款企業就現有及新造貸款申請最多12個月「還息不還本」,並將八成和九成信貸擔保產品的最長貸款擔保期分別延長至十年和八年,同時向兩種擔保產品下的新造貸款提供「部分本金還款」選項。這些措施旨在減輕借款企業的還款負擔,協助它們應對經濟轉型期的挑戰。香港按證保險有限公司會與貸款機構跟進上述新措施的執行細節,目標在今年十一月內落實各項新措施。借款企業屆時可聯絡貸款機構商討具體安排。Source: The Gove

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