Pockets of Demand are Changing Some Property Analysts’ Views

發佈日期: Jun 8 2014最後更新日期: Aug 25 2016

5 June 2014 -  The Hong Kong property market is not all “doom and gloom”.  Recent sales of smaller units have shown only marginal price decreases, and in some cases price increases to new highs.  These have surprised many property analysts particularly those that have been forecasting sales price declines of 15-30% over the last year across all market segments.

A recent SCMP article discussed some recent transactions and how smaller units are not seeing dramatic price declines as many predicted, and in some cases even are seeing new highs.  This is causing property analysts to change their views on the outlook for that market segment (click here to see the full article).

I’ve mentioned in previous posts that the negative outlook has been, in my opinion, too strong.   The cooling measures have taken years to have an impact on prices – and many people have been standing on the sidelines, waiting to invest. 

During these last 2 years, the global economic outlook has also improved, and other markets are recovering.  Interest rates remain low from a historic perspective, and the outlook is that rates will rise gradually – so it will be a long time before they are at levels that would stifle borrowing and real estate investments.

Smaller investments (where there is broader demand and thus price support) are worth considering if you plan to hold for the longer term.

In the mid-to-luxury sector, I expect we’ll see prices gradually continue to inch downward, but a major (i.e.20%+) price drop is unlikely.  Asking prices remain high and “sticky” but sellers’ willingness to negotiate on price is increasing.  As more transactions occur, asking prices will also fall.  And even though the broad market has only started to decline (in terms of price), select units can be found where the seller is motivated (perhaps to realize some of their gain before the market drops further). 

Achieving a 10-15% price concession (or more) vs. asking is possible if you happen to find the right seller, and already incorporates part of a broader fall in the market over time.  I’m not suggesting that property buyers should rush to purchase now.  But if you’re seeking a home for self-use, that you’ll live in and enjoy for many years, it’s not a waste of time to be identifying potential units of interest, and seeing how flexible the seller is on price.  You may be pleasantly surprised.


毛孩愛回家: 搵樓篇

2018年9月14日 - 一般人買樓除左價錢外,主要睇間隔係咪寬敞實用,附近環境如何又或者區內配套如何去決定買定唔買,不過對於有毛孩嘅家庭就唔止咁簡單,尤其是狗狗,由於狗隻天性都會吠叫或有機會於屋苑範圍便溺,或多或少會對其他住戶做成不便,所以並非所有屋苑都可以飼養寵物,究竟狗狗主人於搵樓時有咩要留意?    最準確無誤的方法可以查看大廈公契。公契大致可分為三類,其一是清晰列明不准養狗,另有部份大廈公契列明容許飼養狗隻,但須以不影響其他住戶為大前提;最後一類是物業公契並無提及可否飼養寵物的條文
作者: OKAY.com


2020年3月12日 - 目前冠狀病毒肺炎仍然肆虐,本文除了筆者自己之看法,亦包含地產界其他專業人士的意見。讀者不妨參考以下的綜合意見,自行考慮現時是否適合買樓、賣樓、還是應保持觀望。大多數業內人士預測,即使面臨冠狀病毒的威脅,本港樓價並不會像2003年沙士(SARS)時暴跌。晨星投資管理Phillip Zhong指出,SARS與冠狀病毒的爆發,發生在完全不同的樓市週期內,在2000年代發生亞洲金融風暴,當時樓價已下跌一段時間,當SARS出現時更將跌幅延長了一年左右。而第一太平戴維斯陳超國指出
作者: Joshua Han Miller


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