5 Chilled-Out Residential Areas that Won’t Break the Bank

發佈日期: Dec 6 2017最後更新日期: Sep 25 2019

Kennedy Town, Western District

6 December 2017 - In a bustling metropolis like Hong Kong, finding an apartment in a laid-back neighbourhood without emptying your bank account sounds like mission impossible. But let’s forget The Peak for a second: here are five affordable chilled-out districts that could ease your real estate qualms:   


Western District

High West, Sai Ying Pun

Everybody knows somebody who lives in Western District —particularly in Sai Ying Pun and Kennedy Town—and it’s easy to see why an increasing number of young urbanites are falling in love with these neighbourhoods: the district is where the traditional Hong Kong way of life meets craft breweries, funky bars, world-renowned restaurants and artisanal coffee. There are numbers to prove it: a recent report by Grosvenor Asia Pacific showed that 91 per cent of Kennedy Town residents are satisfied with their neighbourhood. That’s almost 20 per cent higher than the average neighbourhood satisfaction found by another study conducted by the property developer.

Here, you can rent an apartment for HK$30,000 or less, and, with the district’s improved transport links, and recreational facilities such as the Kennedy Town Swimming Pool and the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park, you can enjoy the same comfort and convenience as you would if you were living in the Mid-Levels—minus the hefty price tag—at least for now.

If hefty price tags are the least of your concern, properties for sale in Kennedy Town and Sai Ying Pun might fit your bill. 

Mid-Levels West, Hong Kong

Mid-Levels West

Centre Place, Mid-Levels WestFortunately, not all properties in Mid-Levels cost a fortune: enter Mid-Levels West. For less than $30,000 (or $25,000—if you know where to look), you can rent an apartment on Bonham Road, Caine Road and Seymour Road.

The highly-walkable district puts you in close—but not direct—proximity of the urban commotion beyond the famed Mid-Levels escalator. So, whether you’re the restaurant manager who lives for the cosmopolitan chaos of Lan Kwai Fong and SoHo but spends days off at art galleries and antique shops on Hollywood Road, the public relations executive who prefers to curl up with a good book but likes to enjoy occasional retail therapy at the IFC Mall, or the freelance fitness instructor who always eats in but appreciates having all workout locations within arm’s reach, you’ll find the perfect equilibrium between racket and relaxation in Mid-Levels West.

Happy to spend a little more? There are more properties in Mid-Levels West that could be right up your alley.

Braemar Hill, Hong Kong

Island East

Le Riviera, Shau Kei WanOver on the other end of Hong Kong Island is Island East—lesser-known than its central and western counterparts, but no less liveable. In this up-and-coming business district, you’ll find a good selection of homes for rent in the $20,000 to $30,000 range in Shau Kei Wan, Quarry Bay and North Point —perfect for young families who need to stay close to the city, but distanced enough to block it out.  

Take a Sunday morning hike up Mount Parker from Quarry Bay and journey towards the scenic Tai Tam Reservoir, or take a bus from the Shau Kei Wan MTR station to trek along Dragon’s Back. If you find yourself back in Quarry Bay, head to the Tong Chong Street Market to stock your pantry with the freshest local produce. For a more local flavour, dart around vendors hollering for business at the Kam Wa Street Market in Shau Kei Wan. In the mood to eat out? Tuck in at waterfront restaurants in Sai Wan Ho’s Soho East.

If you enjoy a bit more action, North Point tips the scale towards robust city life and puts you closer to Causeway Bay and Wan Chai. The best part? You can still escape from the urban bustle on jogging trails on Braemar Hill.

Alternatively, escape higher up to North Point Hill.

Clearwater Bay, Hong Kong

Sai Kung and Clearwater Bay

Tai Hang Hau, Clearwater BaySynonymous with the great outdoors, Sai Kung and Clearwater Bay are known for their beaches and country parks. The district is a haven for hikers, water sports enthusiasts—and people who just love a down-to-earth lifestyle. If this sounds like a permanent vacation, you may be right: find daily adventures in trying your luck at the Sai Kung pier, traditional celebrations, hiking, camping, kayaking, scuba diving, beach-bumming, island-hopping and Michelin-rated restaurants.

Living space is relatively abundant, yet affordable—Sai Kung is the kind of place where you can rent a three-bedroom home for $30,000 or less. It is only about a 20-minute bus ride away from Hang Hau MTR station, which means you will not have to worry about sacrificing sleep for your morning commute. Over in neighbouring Clearwater Bay, prices are slightly steeper, but the size of homes are equally generous, and the surroundings, even more paradise-like.

Do you envision your children flourishing in your country abode? Maybe it’s time to settle down. You’ll find many family-friendly homes in Sai Kung and Clearwater Bay.

Discovery Bay, Hong Kong

Discovery Bay

Chianti, Discovery BayAnd finally, to truly sail away from it all, what could possibly compare to resort-style living in Discovery Bay? Living in DB is as laid-back as it gets: there are no cars here, so expect to get around by ferry, bike, golf cart or bus.

Enjoy expansive greenery and stunning sea views in this family-friendly neighbourhood on the northern coast of Lantau Island. The district offers a diverse range of properties that includes houses, low-rise buildings and high-rise buildings, and they all have one thing in common: space. Lots of it. For less than $30,000 a month, you can get a nicely-sized apartment, and a pristine environment to boot.

Chilled-out as it is, in DB, there is no shortage of things to do. From farmers’ markets and golfing, to hiking and rock-climbing at EpicLand, there’s something for every member of the family.

Have you fallen in love with DB? We know the feeling—some of us at OKAY.com call it home. And so can you!



毛孩愛回家: 搵樓篇

2018年9月14日 - 一般人買樓除左價錢外,主要睇間隔係咪寬敞實用,附近環境如何又或者區內配套如何去決定買定唔買,不過對於有毛孩嘅家庭就唔止咁簡單,尤其是狗狗,由於狗隻天性都會吠叫或有機會於屋苑範圍便溺,或多或少會對其他住戶做成不便,所以並非所有屋苑都可以飼養寵物,究竟狗狗主人於搵樓時有咩要留意?    最準確無誤的方法可以查看大廈公契。公契大致可分為三類,其一是清晰列明不准養狗,另有部份大廈公契列明容許飼養狗隻,但須以不影響其他住戶為大前提;最後一類是物業公契並無提及可否飼養寵物的條文
作者: OKAY.com


2020年3月12日 - 目前冠狀病毒肺炎仍然肆虐,本文除了筆者自己之看法,亦包含地產界其他專業人士的意見。讀者不妨參考以下的綜合意見,自行考慮現時是否適合買樓、賣樓、還是應保持觀望。大多數業內人士預測,即使面臨冠狀病毒的威脅,本港樓價並不會像2003年沙士(SARS)時暴跌。晨星投資管理Phillip Zhong指出,SARS與冠狀病毒的爆發,發生在完全不同的樓市週期內,在2000年代發生亞洲金融風暴,當時樓價已下跌一段時間,當SARS出現時更將跌幅延長了一年左右。而第一太平戴維斯陳超國指出
作者: Joshua Han Miller


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