How to Find the Perfect Tenant to Rent Your Hong Kong Apartment

發佈日期: Dec 12 2017最後更新日期: Dec 12 2017

You’ve scoured the property market and invested in the perfect Hong Kong apartment to rent out—now you’ll just have to find the perfect tenant who will pay rent on time, remain reasonable and cooperative, and, hopefully, rent your property for as long as your property is on the rental housing market. While social media and forums are among the first places people turn to when searching for apartments in Hong Kong, the sheer number of people who browse apartment listings and make enquiries on such platforms makes the process of finding your dream tenant that much more difficult. Here is what you can do to find the right tenant to rent your property with minimal fuss:

Know What Kind of Tenant You’re Looking For

Take time to consider the qualities you would want in your ideal tenant, and be specific: would you mind having pets living on your property? Would you be comfortable with tenants who smoke? Is there a limit to the maximum number of occupants you’ll be able to tolerate? Being clear and specific about your criteria for prospective tenants when listing your property on advertising channels would help you save time by filtering enquiries from less desirable candidates.

Do Your Research

After a prospective tenant makes an offer, make sure your tenant can pay rent on time by asking him or her for employment references. You may also wish to meet with your prospective tenant before signing the tenancy agreement to ensure that he or she fits your criteria.

Tap into Your Property Agent’s Network

Discerning individuals are more likely to approach reputable property agencies and real estate agents to find apartments for rent, instead of relying solely on social media platforms and forums. “Work with property agents who have a good reputation, because they’ll draw better clients,” recommends Senior Consultant Joseph Clark.

Jayde Pamuk, another Senior Consultant, says that in addition to advertising listings on their own websites, many property agencies also do the same on portals such as Spacious and Squarefoot: “We have a much bigger reach—we have almost 100 agents and the clients they represent so the network effect is significant.” In other words, working with one agent at is effectively leveraging the clients of the entire company. All our real estate agents are encouraged to refer clients (who can be either property owners or seekers) to one another because they will be rewarded a part of the commission for every successful referral. This speeds up the process of identifying the best matches between landlords and tenants. The exchange of information happens between property agents from different agencies, too, which greatly increases your chances of finding the right tenant when you work with a real estate agent. 

Avoid Embarrassment and Save Time by Working with a Real Estate Agent

“List your property with a good real estate agent who understands what you’re looking for and takes your requests seriously,” advises Senior Manager Hiroko Byrne. If you feel uneasy about renting your property to someone without knowing whether they have a stable income, with the permission of the prospective tenant, your real estate agent can help you ask his or her employer for proof of income. Your property agent can help you identify prospective tenants who fit the bill—without the potential embarrassment. 

Working with a real estate agent will also help you save time on screening potential tenants by answering enquiries, arranging and attending viewings, meeting with prospective tenants and filling out paperwork—including the tenancy agreement and various forms. 

Make Your Criteria Legally Binding

Your property agent knows the paperwork and procedures that can best protect your rights. For example, if you are worried that the tenancy agreement’s standard subletting clause is insufficient to deter your tenant from renting your apartment out for short periods of time on vacation rental platforms, ask your property agent to include this in the tenancy agreement.

Your real estate agent will then stamp your tenancy agreement to make it legally binding so you can keep your tenant in check for the rest of the lease term. 

Don’t Let a Good Tenant Slip Through Your Fingers

People looking to rent an apartment can be reluctant to give a landlord candid feedback. “If a landlord is dealing with a prospective tenant directly, that person is not going to say anything during the viewing—he or she is not going to want to offend the landlord,” says Senior Consultant Flo Geiser. However, this is feedback a landlord would want to hear: it could either provide more information on the changes a landlord intends to make to the home (e.g. the preferred colour of the walls), or help the landlord see how much interest there might be in more significant changes (e.g. the creation of an open kitchen). The homeseeker’s tendency to be polite can result in the loss of an opportunity to negotiate a compromise.  

But, your real estate agent is in a very different position. To save time on future viewings, homeseekers are generally willing to give direct feedback to their property agents, which in turn can help you as the landlord. Plus, your agent will be able to help manage your prospective tenant’s expectations on what you will be able to provide once an offer is made. 

During the lease, you can continue to rely on your agent for advice and support to maintain a good relationship with your tenant. Who knows? This might get your dream tenant to stay on for another lease or two



2018年12月13日 - 根據政府差餉物業估價署公佈嘅物業市場統計資料,香港樓價指數今年首七個月上升10%,最終在八月份首次錄得跌幅,下跌0.08%,結束自2016年3月以來連續28個月升勢。此後,整體物業價格指數下跌3.7%,香港二手樓價亦跟隨步伐小幅步下跌。物業銷售額回調更為顯著,9月按月平均銷量比起上個年度足足下降37%。  港九各區樓價下跌的趨勢均由幾個相互關聯的因素而起。較早前的加息,令人擔憂上調的抵押貸款負擔將減少未來需求。如前文所提及,利率難以直接限制需求,但對利率進一步上升
作者: Joshua Han Miller


2020年3月12日 - 目前冠狀病毒肺炎仍然肆虐,本文除了筆者自己之看法,亦包含地產界其他專業人士的意見。讀者不妨參考以下的綜合意見,自行考慮現時是否適合買樓、賣樓、還是應保持觀望。大多數業內人士預測,即使面臨冠狀病毒的威脅,本港樓價並不會像2003年沙士(SARS)時暴跌。晨星投資管理Phillip Zhong指出,SARS與冠狀病毒的爆發,發生在完全不同的樓市週期內,在2000年代發生亞洲金融風暴,當時樓價已下跌一段時間,當SARS出現時更將跌幅延長了一年左右。而第一太平戴維斯陳超國指出
作者: Joshua Han Miller


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