THE ICON坐落於西半山地勢較高的干德道,屬香港島傳統高尚住宅地段之一,環境清幽之餘,只數分鐘步程可至半山自動扶梯,沿之直通中環核心商業區、蘇豪區及蘭桂坊。物業於2010年落成入伙,以單幢式設計,共提供68個單位,均配置有露台。住宅樓層從11樓到32樓(不設13至16及24樓),除頂層外每層4伙,實用面積介乎452至513平方呎,而頂樓只設2戶,實用面積均974平方呎連私人天台及泳池。配套方面,設施包括有戶外游泳池、日光曬台及健身室等;另於B1-B2樓設有住戶停車場。
She was timely with her responses and follow ups. Good attention to detail and service all round!
4.9 / 5.0
Ms. Yvonne Yee Kei Li
Carment is responding very fast and always on top of the things.
4.8 / 5.0
Julien Wurcker
Nina Schulte-Mattler
We had a wonderful experience working with Nina and for our recent house move. Nina had a great perception of what type and style of accommodation we were looking for and was quick to source some good options, one of which we quickly secured with a very smooth negotiation and signing process. Her local knowledge of Discovery Bay and great people skills were particular services much appreciated by us during our recent house-hunting.