THE ICON坐落於西半山地勢較高的干德道,屬香港島傳統高尚住宅地段之一,環境清幽之餘,只數分鐘步程可至半山自動扶梯,沿之直通中環核心商業區、蘇豪區及蘭桂坊。物業於2010年落成入伙,以單幢式設計,共提供68個單位,均配置有露台。住宅樓層從11樓到32樓(不設13至16及24樓),除頂層外每層4伙,實用面積介乎452至513平方呎,而頂樓只設2戶,實用面積均974平方呎連私人天台及泳池。配套方面,設施包括有戶外游泳池、日光曬台及健身室等;另於B1-B2樓設有住戶停車場。
Shirley has been relentless in her pursuit of helping us find our perfect home. Our list of requirements is long and Shirley has brought us several apartments that meet our needs. I have appreciated her openness and transparency, diligent hard work and persistence in helping us find what we are looking for. She is positive, respectful and generous with her time. I would recommend her highly to anyone looking for a property.
4.9 / 5.0
Kiara Budhrani
We had a fantastic experience with Kiara, she listens well and is detail oriented, very efficient, so the level of professionalism was what stood out about our experience working with Kiara. She was able to find us our home in a very short time, and did more than she needed to with regards to the process of negotiation, checking of apartment and handover. We were very satisfied with OKAY because of her.
4.8 / 5.0
Mrs Mei Ting Vanessa Tan
Martina Bin
She was so helpful! We had like 100 questions - and we never once felt like we were annoying her. She was quick to respond and was really approachable and kind