We gave Maki an impossible time frame to find us a new flat. She immediately knew what we needed, and never showed us anything other than what filled most of our requirements.
At all times, she was the ultimate professional. Maki had a difficult assignment, and she came through with flying colours. We highly recommend her to anyone needing real estate expertise.
4.6 / 5.0
Wendy and David Nesbitt
Ruby was the best real estate consultant we could have had; She is so knowledgeable of the Hong Kong market of helped us find and purchase a truely great property!
4.7 / 5.0
Harold & Jean from the USA
Flo Geiser
Flo’s knowledge of the HK market was exceptional, so that was first stand out. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, was her ability to really connect to me - not only to understand our requirements, but the reasons behind those requirements. This meant she provided opportunities we wouldn’t have thought about otherwise.