Top 5 Tips for Negotiating Your Lease Terms in the Hong Kong Property Market

发布日期: Feb 28 2018最后更新日期: Feb 28 2018

“How do I get the best rental for my new home?"

This is a question my clients ask all the time. And it’s easy to see why:  Hong Kong property prices are staggering compared to other countries. With corporate packages disappearing, a dollar saved is a dollar earned. So, what do you do if you find a Hong Kong apartment for rent that you love, but it’s outside of your budget? Read on for my top five tips on how to negotiate a lower rent: 

1. Give your current landlord earlier notice

Negotiate a new lease two to three weeks before it takes effect to increase your chances of securing a more economical price. When leasing a new property, landlords are often hopeful that prospective tenants will start their new leases immediately. They are unlikely to wait two months for you to start a lease, especially at a discounted price. Since a landlord naturally wants to minimize the rental loss of a vacancy period, offering to start a lease sooner in exchange for a lower rent can be in both parties’ interests. As it relates to your current unit (if you’re planning to move), if you’re not in your fixed lease period, give your current landlord earlier notice that you’re leaving. Giving notice without securing another home may sound risky—but it can greatly increase your chances of getting a place within your budget. Since you’ll have given notice prior to securing a new unit, do your research before you give notice to your existing landlord. This will enable you to make decisions quickly, take a new unit quickly, achieve better terms and avoid paying overlapping rent. 

2. Provide a letter of employment

Landlords want to know that you have a stable income and are capable of paying rent, so if the new lease is in your or your spouse’s name (i.e. a personal lease as opposed to a corporate lease), ask your/his/her company for a letter that certifies employment, including details such as a full name, Hong Kong identification card number, job title, and, if possible, current income. 

In addition, ask your current landlord for a reference letter if you’re moving, (assuming you’ve been a good tenant!)  Although it’s unlikely for your new landlord to ask your previous landlord for a reference letter, it doesn’t hurt to have a document that states that you pay your rent on time and have kept their rental property in good condition. 

Again, these can benefit both parties since it helps to show a new landlord that you’ll be a great tenant that is worth having in exchange for some rental reduction.

3.  Don't ask for too much

If your priority is to keep rent down, and the rental home is in a good condition, i.e. leak-free and mold-free with functioning fixtures, try to take the unit in “as is” condition. After all, it’s a hassle for landlords to ask contractors to fix small issues as many contractors don’t take small jobs.  Landlords will sometimes be willing to reduce the rent if you can accept the current condition, or are willing to pay for minor touch-ups yourself.

However, if there are major issues that need to be addressed, ask your agent to include them in the offer letter. 

4. Go for a two-year fixed lease

Go for a longer lease if you know that you will be staying in Hong Kong. Some landlords repaint and re-varnish wooden floors every time a tenant vacates, so, if you can offer to stay for a minimum two years (i.e. no breaklease clause), even at a discounted rent, the benefits of having guaranteed rent could offset the difference between the asking price and agreed upon price. Before you renew your lease agreement, be sure to read our guide on what you should do to prepare for the process.

5. Be flexible

Choose at least two suitable properties, then ask your agent to inform both landlords that you intend to make a final decision within a short period of time: when you give two offers simultaneously, both landlords will take note of the increased urgency to “win “your offer, potentially giving then greater incentive to accept a lower price. Having two or more options will also give you peace of mind, providing you with a back-up plan should one of them fall through. 

We hope you take pleasure in your new home as much as we enjoyed helping you find it. Subscribe to our newsletter for more tips on finding your ideal home.

Disclaimer. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The information contained herein is for informational purposes only.  



2018年8月9日 - 暑假為傳統租務旺季,不論家庭客、單身人士抑或大學生都喜於暑假尋覓租盤,加上大量前一年暑假承租的單位隨著一年死約結束再次浮現市面,導致每年暑假都出現價量齊升的局面。 校網區宜盡早落實 眾多租客中,最活躍的必然是家庭客,他們唯一的考慮是於不影響子女學業成績下搬家,而當中更有一定數目的家長首選四大校網區,因此校網區的租務在暑假是相當活躍的。無論屋苑新舊或面積大小的單位都相當受歡迎,縱使有一定數量的單位流出市面,仍然一閃即逝,而且租金更瞬間被抽高,亦不時出現搶租的情況。由於不


2018年12月13日 - 根據政府差餉物業估價署公佈嘅物業市場統計資料,香港樓價指數今年首七個月上升10%,最終在八月份首次錄得跌幅,下跌0.08%,結束自2016年3月以來連續28個月升勢。此後,整體物業價格指數下跌3.7%,香港二手樓價亦跟隨步伐小幅步下跌。物業銷售額回調更為顯著,9月按月平均銷量比起上個年度足足下降37%。  港九各區樓價下跌的趨勢均由幾個相互關聯的因素而起。較早前的加息,令人擔憂上調的抵押貸款負擔將減少未來需求。如前文所提及,利率難以直接限制需求,但對利率進一步上升
作者: Joshua Han Miller


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