1 March 2016 - To assess the commonly asked question of “How is the property market performing?” OKAY.com property agent, Robert Diefendorf, proposed the idea of viewing Hong Kong’s property market as a collection of micromarkets rather than a single monolithic one. In an article that appeared in SCMP on 24 February 2016, Robert highlighted sever
You searched dozens of flats and finally found your dream home: rooftop, view, clubhouse, or whatever be your version of "idyllique domestique". Suddenly letters arrive, informing you that charming rooftop lounge is an illegal shack, or you try to sell but buyers run screaming and agents inform you they are afraid of ghosts that dwell in your clo
My friends and I are sitting in Poho eating a green tea cheesecake and discussing how the property prices have doubled in the recent past. "If only we had----" but then we stop, it's too painful. Yes, we all want to get in early and buy low, but how? By the time the 'hood is hotted up, we're priced out. Test your property investment knowledge & p