Soi was incredibly personable, professional, unflappable and committed to creating a smooth transaction from the moment I got off the plane, to well after the signing. I arrived with only a few days to find a place. But Soi was well organized and made me feel like I was her only client, meeting me over the weekend and with little notice during the week to see and re-see houses. Soi very quickly honed in on what I was looking for, and that helped things move along. Once we zeroed in on a decision, I felt Soi was very much on my side in negotiating with the landlords. It was obvious Soi has a very deep knowledge of the Clearwater Bay and Sai Kung areas, and I am sure other areas, too. While we were out looking, if I happened to see a house that wasn’t on the list but looked empty, Soi seemed to magically have the number for the owner. We are really happy and I can say with confidence that Soi is a big reason why. I would recommend her strongly to anyone looking for real estate advice.
4.6 / 5.0
John Lyons
Yohanita Tajuddin (Sayaka)
Very professional but personal and friendly at the same time. Didn’t feel pressure as I have with some other realtors. Went above and beyond to make the whole experience very smooth, and was very understanding about certain situations when we needed help/assistance.
4.7 / 5.0
Reina Angelina SAWAI
Phenomenal service, forthcoming and truly caring even though we only took up an inexpensive rental flat, she was there every step of the way and did the extra mile whenever opportunity arose like for i stance to let the first furniture delivery in when we were not yet as we were still stick in our old place. she received our delivery in the new flat as we couldn’t make it. she follows up with all parties and her responses are prompt and helpful. really a great experience and we will sure come back to her.