I would like to express my deepest appreciation for your help in looking for the new apartment. Throughout the past couple months, you have been working with us in a very professional and sincere attitude to search for an apartment which is suitable for my family. You are always on time and well prepared.
Sorry that due to some family issues that we have to stop looking for an apartment in the mean time. But you will certainly be our first choice real estate agent if we restart looking for apartment to buy/rent in the future.
You are the kindest and sincerest real estate agents who I ever met.
4.6 / 5.0
Kucci Chye
Tommy was amazing. He clearly understood what we were looking for so didn’t waste our time showing us apartments that didn’t fit our criteria.He actively looked for alternatives when the initial apartment didn’t work for us and quickly found us our new home. Thanks Tommy.
4.5 / 5.0
Mr. Steve Brown
Shirley puts her clients’ interests in front of her own. This is also what distinguishes her from other agents. All of her recommended flats fall exactly within our parameters (unlike other agents who always point us to those with higher commissions). After more than six months of searching, including rounds and rounds of negotiations, Shirley helped us to purchase a perfect home for my family. She is keen, capable, diligent, humours and informative. Shirley will always be on the top of our list in our next search for properties, and high recommend her to all my friends who has plan for purchase:)