25 October 2016 - OKAY.com is discussing the controversial topic of ghosts, negative energy and/or spirits. The subject of haunted homes in Hong Kong is a popular topic and is one that is often discussed between clients and our agents.
Some home-seekers are especially cautious when choosing a home that may be suspected to have had paranormal activity. Superstitious home-seekers are adamant about avoiding environments that give them the heebie-jeebies. Deterring factors that may turn these clients off include cemetery proximity, unnatural deaths from previous tenants and overall negative energy.
Interestingly enough, properties that have a history of paranormal activity or reports of unnatural deaths, tend to sell for significantly less than the average market price. This is a big market for investors who don’t believe in ghosts as there are great deals available for homes with a bit of a spooky history.
For those looking to feed their morbid curiosity or just looking for a good bargain, Spacious and Squarefoot include haunted sections and provide a detailed listing of all the buildings that have a past of murders, suicides and other unnatural deaths. Talk about a real spook! Also, agents in Hong Kong are legally required to reveal to a buyer whether something has occurred on the property—just in case you missed your listing's history on the web.
Let’s say you have ignored all of the paranormal signs and neglected to browse through haunted-home websites, and are now inhabiting a home with frequent visits from spirits. What measures can you take to ensure your house is cleansed of unwanted paranormal activity or negative energy?
Below we have defined 5 Feng Shui cleansing routines that clear your space of negative energy:
1. Dust Yourself Off and Smudge Again

Smudging is an ancient ceremony used to create harmony and is highly recommended by Feng Shui experts. You can start this ritual by walking clockwise around your house and using the door as a starting point. Gently wave the smoke in the air as you clearly state your intentions or focus on positive energy. The most common smudging herbs are white sage, red cedar and sweet grass. Creating a smudge stick is easy enough to prepare yourself or to buy online.
2. Dream-Weaver Get Me Through the Night

For those that are frequently visited by spirits in their dreams, a bowl with water may be the right solution for you. Placing a bowl full of water under your bed is another Feng Shui practice that may divert spirit’s attention away from you. Surprisingly, spirits are attracted to water and will navigate there rather than targeting you. It is best practice to empty your water outside your home every day as you refill for the next.
3. A Spoonful of Salt

Feng Shui experts often advise their clients to use salt to clean both an area of their home as well as themselves. Before moving into a new home, smear the walls with salt or sprinkle into the corners of your rooms. But be sure to sweep up the remaining salt and throw out into the trash outside your home. It is also possible that you are bringing negative energy in from work or from the outside world as well. Soak in a tub with sea salt or make your own sea salt scrub to purify and remove negative energies from your body.
4. Scent is in the Air

After you have smudged your home, make sure you maintain the positivity with incense. Different herbs can be used for many different reasons. For example, try Lavender for transcending problems, Eucalyptus for healing or Mint for prosperity.
5. All that Noise and all that Sound

Sound instruments such as wind chimes enhance your Chi and welcome soul healing. The sounds produced by wind chimes are known to enhance the feeling of safety and can be used as a signal of a visitor’s approach. If the random signals of invisible visitors scares you even more, try a different approach. For a more peaceful environment, play sounds of nature or invest in a small table top water fountain. Download a playlist of beach waves, chanting monks or any uplifting music that will enhance your balance.