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Miscellaneous Information & Resources for the International Resident & Businessperson

Posted: Oct 8 2015Last Updated: Oct 8 2015
We have grouped the following websites and information into one chapter in help you start researching what it is like to live and work here. As with everything Hong Kong related, the Government’s website is a good place to get started on what exactly is available. A few other publications are also listed below (their free print copies are usually released on Thursdays and are available in shops and public places throughout Hong Kong – or you can read them online).

General information:

GOVHK   (Residents) https://www.gov.hk/en/residents
BC MAGAZINE   publication https://www.bcmagazine.net
HONG KONG MAGAZINE   publication https://hk.asia-city.com
WORD OF MOUTH GUIDE -  HONG KONG https://www.womguide.com
TIME OUT HONG KONG   publication https://www.timeout.com.hk
HONG KONG CLUBBING   publication https://www.hkclubbing.com
HONG KONG DOLLARSAVER   publication https://www.dollarsaver.com.hk
THE LIST   publication https://thelist.com.hk
RTHK (RADIO TELEVISION HONG KONG) https://rthk.hk/index_eng.htm
HONG KONG GEOEXPAT   expat forum https://hongkong.geoexpat.com
DIM SUM & THEN SOME https://www.dimsumandthensome.com.hk
WASTE REDUCTION HONG KONG https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk

Blogs about Hong Kong: It goes without saying that the best way to discover what is available online is to go there. Nevertheless we have provided you with a short list to get you started.

HONG KONG BLOG REVIEW https://hong-kong-blogs-review.com
HONG KONG FOOD BLOG https://hongkongfoodblog.blogspot.com
E*TING THE WOR https://www.e-tingfood.com
ADVENTURES OF A BIG WHITE GUY IN HONG KONG https://www.bigwhiteguy.com
GWEI-PO BLOG SPOT https://www.gweipo.com
BATUNG.COM https://www.batgung.com/index.php
LEARNING CANTONESE https://daisann.com

Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations: Nearly every country/city/industry is represented in Hong Kong. A few are listed below: 

HONG KONG GENERAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.chamber.org.hk
ROTARY CLUBS OF HONG KONG https://www.rotary.org
AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.amcham.org.hk
AUSTRALIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.austcham.com.hk
AUSTRIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.austrocham.com
BRITISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.britcham.com
CANADIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.cancham.org
EUROPEAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.eurocham.com.hk
CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.cgcc.org.hk
FRENCH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.fccihk.com
GERMAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://china.ahk.de
INDIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.icchk.org.hk
ITALIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.icc.org.hk
KOREAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.kochamhk.org
NEW ZEALAND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.nzcchk.com
NORWEGIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.ncchk.org.hk
SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.scchk.com.hk
SOUTH AFRICAN WOMEN’S CHAMBER  https://www.sawcchongkong.com
SPANISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.spanish-chamber.com.hk
SWEDISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.swedcham.com.hk
SWISS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE https://www.swisschamhk.org

Hobbies and Social Interest Groups:

HONG KONG ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY   culture https://www.royalasiaticsociety.org.hk
ORIENTAL CERAMICS SOCIETY   culture https://www.orientalceramics.org.hk
FRIENDS OF HK MUSEUM OF ARTS   culture https://www.museumfriends.org.hk
CHINESE U FRIENDS OF ART MUSEUM   culture https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/friends
FREEMASONS OF HONG KONG   fraternal  https://www.zetlandhall.com
WOMEN’S FORUM   group for women https://www.womensforum.com.hk
AMERICAN WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION   group for women https://www.awa.org.hk
ITALIAN WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION   group for women https://www.iwa.org
SPANISH-SPEAKING WOMEN’S SOCIETY   group for women https://www.amhh.org.hk
HELENA MAY   women’s club https://www.helenamay.com
HONG KONG BIRD WATCHING SOCIETY   nature https://www.hkbws.org.hk
HONG KONG GARDENING SOCIETY   nature https://www.hkgardeningsociety.org/
HONG KONG SINGERS   amateur musical theatre https://hongkongsingers.org/
HONG KONG PLAYERS   amateur drama https://www.hongkongplayers.com
HONG KONG ORATORIO SOCIETY   choral https://www.oratorio.org.hk
HONG KONG BACH CHOIR   choral https://www.bachchoir.org.hk
HONG KONG WELSH MALE CHOIR  choral https://www.hkwmvc.com
HONG KONG WOMEN’S CHOIR (NOVA)   choral https://www.thkwc.org
HK MEDICAL ASSOCIATION ORCHESTRA   music https://www.hkmao.org

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