Property Guides & Useful Information

Hong Kong Property Guides

Browse’s library of property and district guides that offer advice for moving to as well as working, studying and living in Hong Kong

All Things Children The range of activities on offer for children is greater than they are for anyone else! The average Hong Kong child has always lived a good full day, starting school at an early age and continuing on with tuition in English and Chinese, music and/or dance lessons. In recent years, a demand for creative pre-school and after-school learning has spawned a host of visual and performing arts studios, educational clinics and sports activities. There are too many resource
Making Comparisons Try and avoid using “home” as a benchmark for comparison, particularly if highlighting to someone local the things you cannot get in Hong Kong, or that are “better” at home. It can become a habit and greatly detract from the enjoyment of what Hong Kong has to offer. Moving to Hong Kong is an opportunity to learn about a new culture (indeed many cultures) and gain life-enriching experiences! Greetings and Busines
We have put together the following list of books, websites and Chinese movies to help learn more about Hong Kong, its history and multi-cultural and faceted society. It’s by no means exhaustive, but we hope it’s a good starting point! Works depicting Hong Kong, its history and multi-cultural society Fiction HANGMAN’S POINT A mystery thriller and historical fiction set in mid-19th century colonial HK
You searched dozens of flats and finally found your dream home: rooftop, view, clubhouse, or whatever be your version of "idyllique domestique". Suddenly letters arrive, informing you that charming rooftop lounge is an illegal shack, or you try to sell but buyers run screaming and agents inform you they are afraid of ghosts that dwell in your closets. How do you avoid these domicile debacles or other flat fiascos? Many of them can be identified with a simple docume
Being praised as the perfect blend of East and West cultures, Hong Kong has established itself as one of Asia Pacific’s dominant cities and a leading study destination. Education system in Hong Kong is well developed to meet the demand from both local and foreign students, offering a wide diversity of degree or diploma programmes in recognized higher education institutions. At present, there are 20 local degree-awarding institutions in Hong Kong, of which 2 universities ranked within to
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Let's Connect
15/F, Wilson House, 19-27 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong
+852 2102 0888