Average home prices in Hong Kong hit another record
  Jul 14 2017
8 August 2014 - Hong Kong's average home prices rose for a third consecutive month and hit a record high again in June. The Rating and Valuation Department yesterday announced that the monthly price index of private housing climbed 2.6 percentage points from the previous record, set in May, to 249.8.
Small and medium-sized units saw the sharpest upturn. The price index for this bracket rose by 1.96% over the past six months. The index for large units (sized over 1,050 sq.ft.) marked a 1.13% gain on May and 0.72% increase on statistics from the end of last year.
The index is 4.1% higher than its level of 240 in February last year, before market cooling measures were announced by the government in its attempt to affect property prices.
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