2024 Policy Address : Enhancement measures on New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme
  Oct 17 2024

​As announced in the 2024 Policy Address, with effect from October 16, 2024, an applicant under the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (New CIES) is allowed to invest in residential properties, provided that the transaction price of a single property must be HK$50 million or above. The total investment amount in real estate (the aggregate of all residential and non-residential properties) that counts toward fulfilling the minimum investment threshold is subject to an aggregate cap of HK$10 million.

Invest Hong Kong has updated the Rules for the New CIES and relevant application documents. Details can be found on the New CIES website (www.newcies.gov.hk/en/resources/scheme-rules-and-documents).

With regard to the details of allowing investment made through an eligible private company wholly owned by the applicant to be counted toward the value of permissible investment with effect from March 1, 2025, Invest Hong Kong will make a further announcement later.

Source: The Government of HKSAR

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