Hong Kong’s reputation as a city that never stops, is a true and apt description. And yet you will not find it difficult to make a choice when it comes to leisure and entertainment. There is truly a wide variety of international-standard sports events, cultural activities, dining choices and nightlife. The Government’s LSCD website lists all leisure and cultural events and facilities under its management. Otherwise, a number of publications – many of which are listed in the next chapter – help keep one clued into what activities and resources are available, but the best way to get connected would be through word-of-mouth as contact details become quickly outdated.
LEISURE & CULTURAL SERVICES DEPT (LCSD) WEBSITE | https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/home.php |
Considering the size and relatively short history of Hong Kong, the number of art and cultural activities are in abundant supply, with an impressive collection of museums. Many are run by the Government but there are also some smaller privately managed ones. You may not be able to spend an entire day or even an afternoon strolling amongst immense collections, but you are guaranteed a few illuminating hours in these museums.
https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/cs_mus.php |
FLAGSTAFF HOUSE MUSEUM OF TEA WARE Once the home of the Commander-in-Chief of the British forces |
Hong Kong Park, Admiralty |
MUSEUM OF ART Permanent Chinese art and visiting overseas exhibitions |
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon |
LEI CHENG UK HAN TOMB MUSEUM Representative of a 2000-year old Han tomb |
Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon |
MUSEUM OF COASTAL DEFENCE An historic fort that protected HK harbour 100 years ago |
Shau Kei Wan, HK Island |
LAW UK FOLK MUSEUM Traditions of the Hakka located in a 200 year-old village house |
Chai Wan, HK Island |
MUSEUMS OF SCIENCE & HISTORY Devoted to the study of science and technology / HK’s history |
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon |
HERITAGE MUSEUM A burgeoning attempt to record Hong Kong's heritage |
Sha Tin, New Territories |
RAILWAY MUSEUM An open-air museum located in the old stationhouse |
Tai Po, New Territories |
HK MARITIME MUSEUM Housed in a colonial building relocated from Central |
https://www.hkmaritimemuseum.org |
THE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM & ART GALLERY On Hong Kong University’s campus in Pok Fu Lam |
https://www.hku.hk/hkumag |
ART MUSEUM (CHINESE UNIVERSITY) On the Chinese University of HK’s campus in Sha Tin |
https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/amm |
POLICE MARRIED QUARTERS (P.M.Q.) A stage for HK's creatives and part of the "Conserving Central" project |
https://www.pmq.org.hk/ |
A stroll along Hollywood Road in upper Central is also a delightful way to spend a weekend as there are several antique shops and art galleries offering to convert your hard-earned funds into something to adorn your home!
The variety of Chinese and Western performances on offer is outstanding in Hong Kong. There are several local groups of international-standard as well as many visiting artists who include Hong Kong on their tours. Information and ticket sales can be found at any one of Hong Kong’s several venues, the most prominent and largest being the Cultural Centre in Tsim Sha Tsui. You can join a mailing list and be guaranteed not to miss a thing. All events are listed on the LCSD website.
LSCD PERFORMING ARTS INFORMATION info | https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/cs_pa.php |
HONG KONG PHILHARMONIC classical music | https://www.hkpo.com |
HONG KONG SINFONIETTA classical music | https://www.hksinfonietta.org |
CITY CHAMBER ORCHESTRA classical music | https://www.ccohk.com |
HONG KONG BALLET ballet | https://www.hkballet.com |
CITY CONTEMPORARY DANCE modern dance | https://www.ccdc.com.hk |
HONG KONG DANCE COMPANY modern dance | https://www.hkdance.com |
HK REPERTORY THEATRE drama in Chinese | https://www.hkrep.com |
SPRINGTIME PRODUCTIONS drama in Chinese | https://www.springtime.com.hk |
CHUNG YING THEATRE GROUP drama in Chinese | https://www.chungying.com |
OPERA HONG KONG western opera | https://www.operahongkong.org |
HK ACADEMY FOR PERFORMING ARTS everything | https://www.hkapa.org |
HONG KONG FRINGE CLUB arts venue | https://www.hkfringeclub.com/ |
HONG KONG ORATORIO SOCIETY choral | https://www.oratorio.org.hk |
HONG KONG BACH CHOIR choral | https://www.bachchoir.org.hk |
HONG KONG WELSH MALE CHOIR choral | https://www.hkwmvc.com |
HONG KONG PLAYERS drama in English (amateur) | https://www.hongkongplayers.com |
HONG KONG ARTS FESTIVAL everything | https://www.hk.artsfestival.org |
HONG KONG FILM FESTIVAL film | https://www.hkiff.org.hk |
HONG KONG CHINESE ORCHESTRA Chinese music | https://www.hkco.org |
PIP THEATRE experimental theatre (in Chinese) | https://pip-group.org/v2 |
ZUNI ICOSAHEDRON experimental theatre | https://www.zuni.org.hk |
URBTIX | https://ticket.urbtix.hk/internet/ |
HONG KONG TICKETING | https://www.hkticketing.com |
UA CINEMA | https://www.uacinemas.com.hk/ |
BROADWAY CIRCUIT | https://www.cinema.com.hk |
CITYLINE | https://www.cityline.com.hk |
https://www.amccinemas.com.hk/ |
MCL CINEMA | https://www.mclcinema.com |
GOLDEN HARVEST THEATRES | https://www.goldenharvest.com |
Dining out is tantamount to an art form in Hong Kong. Being praised as a food paradise, every cuisine imaginable is served here, including every type of Chinese delicacy. This is a city where the locals rely heavily on hotel dining and coffee shops offering an international array of cuisines. Hotel buffets are a popular attraction and advance booking is necessary on any day. Vegans and vegetarians will be pleased to discover a number of dining choices. And if you feel like staying home but not cooking, there are a number delivery services that will bring the restaurant to you.
Nightlife is another highlight of Hong Kong. Lan Kwai Fong in Central has a bustling array of trendy restaurants and bars where you can enjoy high quality food and drinks. Other than Central, there are also some bars in Tsim Sha Tsui and Wan Chai. These are for sure good places to grab a drink after a tense working day.
OPENRICE HK | https://www.openrice.com/en/hongkong |
EAT DRINK HONG KONG | https://www.eatdrinkhongkong.com |
HONG KONG FOOD GUIDE | https://www.hongkongfoodguide.com |
LAN KWAI FONG GUIDE | https://www.lankwaifong.com |
I LOVE SOHO | https://www.ilovesoho.hk |
KNUTSFORD TERRACE | https://www.discoverhongkong.com/uk/dine-drink/where-to-eat/knutsford-terrace-observatory.jsp |
FOOD PANDA | https://www.foodpanda.hk |
DELIVEROO | https://deliveroo.hk |
LSCD LEISURE INFORMATION | https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/ls.php |
With twenty-three country parks, nature lovers will enjoy becoming acquainted with the lesser-known parts of Hong Kong, which are home to countless species of flora and fauna. There are several books and guides published on hiking.
HONG KONG OUTDOORS outdoor activities | https://www.hkoutdoors.com |
HONG KONG ADVENTURERS hiking | https://www.hkadventurer.com |
HONG KONG CLIMBING hiking | https://hongkongclimbing.com |
HONG KONG TRAMPERS hiking | https://www.hktrampers.com |
HASH HOUSE HARRIERS running & social | https://www.hkhash.com |
WANCHAI HASH running & social | https://www.wanchaih3.com |
SOUTH CHINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION multi-sports | https://www.scaa.org.hk |
HK SQUASH squash | https://www.hksquash.org.hk |
HK TENNIS CLUB tennis | https://www.tennishk.org |
HK BADMINTON ASSOCIATION badminton | https://www.hkbadmintonclub.com |
KAU SAI CHAU PUBLIC GOLF COURSE golf | https://www.kscgolf.org.hk |
HK RUGBY ASSOCIATION rugby football | https://www.hkrugby.com |
HK GAELIC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION football | https://www.gaa.hk |
KING’S PARK SPORTS ASSOCIATION sports ground | https://www.kingspark.com.hk |
HK CRICKET ASSOCIATION cricket | https://www.cricket.com.hk |
HK ICE HOCKEY ASSOCIATION ice hockey | https://www.hkiha.org |
HK SAILING FEDERATION (HKSF) sailing | https://www.sailing.org.hk |
WINDSURFERS ASSOCIATION OF HK windsurfing | https://www.windsurfing.org.hk/en/home/index.php |
ABERDEEN BOAT CLUB sailing (membership) | https://www.abclubhk.com |
ROYAL HK YACHT CLUB sailing (membership) | https://www.rhkyc.org.hk |
HONG KONG JOCKEY CLUB horse racing | https://www.hkjc.com |
CLEARWATER BAY EQUESTRIAN CENTRE equestrian | https://www.ceec.hk |
LOWU SADDLE CLUB equestrian | https://www.lowusaddleclub.org |
https://www.irchk.com.hk/ |
LSCD PARK INFORMATION | https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/ls_park.php |
HK DISNEYLAND | https://park.hongkongdisneyland.com |
OCEAN PARK | https://www.oceanpark.com.hk |
NOAH’S ARK | https://www.noahsark.com.hk |
NGONG PING 360 | https://www.np360.com.hk |
DOLPHIN WATCH | https://www.hkdolphinwatch.com |
KADOORIE FARM & BOTANIC GARDEN | https://www.kfbg.org.hk |
MAI PO MARSHES | https://www.wwf.org.hk |
HONG KONG WETLAND PARK | https://www.wetlandpark.com |